Census 2020

What is the Census?

The census is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau every ten years. The Constitution requires that every person in the United States be counted—adults, children and babies, citizens, immigrants, and anyone living in this country.

Responding is safe. Data collected is protected by law and cannot be shared with other government agencies.

This year, you can fill out the census online, by telephone, or on paper.

Why is the Census important?

States use census data to determine representation in Congress. States and localities also use census data to plan where health clinics, schools, and roads will be built.

The 2020 Census will influence community funding and congressional representation for the next decade. Information collected in the census will inform the allocation of more than $675 billion in federal funds for states and communities each year. That includes money for things like:  First responders, Medicare Part B, Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program, Libraries and community centers, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Senior Community Service Employment Program, and much more.

In 2016, Maine received $4.1 billion through 55 federal programs guided by data derived from the 2010 Census

What is the Census timeline?

How can you help?

We must do all what we can to ensure an accurate count in 2020, so everyone gets the resources and representation they deserve.

Fill out the census!
This year you can respond online, by phone, by mail, or in person.


If you interact with people in your community, workplace and systems of care, you play an important role.
We need trusted messengers to encourage and assist everyone to fill out the census. Message testing has shown that it is most effective when someone they know explains that filling out the census helps their community and that completing the census is safe, easy and convenient.


We are here to help. Contact us at jmaurer@mainecouncilonaging.org

Resources and Materials

Webinar: Making Census 2020 Count in Your Community


Looking to learn more about the 2020 Census?  Listen in to the “Making Census 2020 Count in Your Community” Webinar, hosted by Tri-State Learning Collaborative on Aging, for more information on outreach efforts, education, ideas and more. During the webinar, you’ll hear from US Census 2020 partnership specialists from Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. They will explain how Census 2020 is working in our region to make sure the count is as accurate as possible and to make sure people are protected from fraud.