Making the Invisible Visible:

A PhotoVoice Project by

Black/African Elders in Maine

Fostering Community – Strengthening Intergenerational Connections – Encouraging Change

MCOA is getting ready to launch an exciting new endeavor – Making the Invisible Visible: A PhotoVoice Project by Black/African Elders in Maine. The project will feature stories of older Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPoC) through photography and video, highlighting their contributions to Maine’s economic, political, cultural and educational life.  By raising the voices and images of resilience, we will foster community, strengthen intergenerational connections, and encourage change.

Leslie Hill, Professor Emerita, Bates College, is leading the work on this project and describes what the PhotoVoice Project means to participants and our community.

Help Us Share These Important Stories

Thanks to generous donations from Maine Initiatives, AARP Maine, Southern Maine Agency on Aging, Maine Arts Commission, and others, we are almost ready to launch the project. But we need your help getting to the finish line.  Please support the PhotoVoice Project by making your contribution today!