MCOA Newsletters

Keep up to date with what MCOA and our affiliated organizations are working on!

MCOA Newsletters

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We send out periodic general aging related newsletters in addition to curated COVID-19 news related to older adults and organizations providing services to older adults.   As we all face the the ongoing pandemic together, Maine Council on Aging is compiling the latest updates, resources, tools and information. We send out periodic updates with the latest resources and best practices from partners, members, and more so that we can help plan and respond to ensure the health and safety of older Mainers.

Sign up below to receive the updates in your inbox.

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Monthly MCOA Newsletters

Read the latest edition of the MCOA Newsletter by clicking the links below.


March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019